I really want to start with cool spanish but i feel like i can barely even say hola right now..
Anyway, this week has been awesome but today was probably the best by far. We just got back from a tour of downtown Guatemala City which is crazy and idk exactly what i was expecting but, i was a little intimidated. We got to walk around this market place and go to Wendy´s which was glorious lol, but my favorite part was talking to real live people! We got to go into this central square sort of thing and hand out copies of the book of mormon. If you´ve never had a chance to read that book, i promise it will change your life. Ask my family or any Mormon for a copy if you´d like to read one. Anyway, my companion and I felt a tad awko taco just walking into the square and starting to talk to random people so we stopped by a lightpost and said a quick prayer to be able to speak and understand Spanish and to find people who were honestly searching for truth. A couple people were looking at us kinda funny and i kinda felt like they were the ones we needed to talk to. there were these three middle-aged ladies and a child feeding the pigeons (that were Everywhere lol) but we just shared the last two paragraphs of the introduction with them and it kinda hit me how even right there in two paragraphs, these people read words that they have probably never heard before and ive had the privilege of knowing all my life. These simple truths that God loves us indivially and wholly and that His church and the truth is on the earth are so readily avaliable. i feel so incredibly lucky to be able to share that with these humble people. Their faces got brighter as we were reading and they were so surprised that we wanted to give them the book for free. And I could understand casi toda (almost all) of what they were saying. YAY ESPAÑOL!!
We started learning español grammer this week and my brain has felt like exploding pretty much every day but its wonderful and i wouldnt rather be anywhere else. Our Latino friends who have been here for my first three weeks left this morning at like 3 am and i already miss them so much, and honestly we could communicate with them so minimally lol. But we get new ones and a bunch of new Nort-os (north americans) tomorrow too. Im so excited to help teach them and get them pumped for the MTC cause it is seriously like one of my fav buildings ive ever been in. The spirit is so incredibly strong all the time and I love it. Also, people are singing or playing the piano all the time which is how i feel the spirit the strongest so its awesome.
I love Guatemala, I love how happy this gospel makes me and I can´t say enough how happy I am to be un misionera for la iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias. I know this gospel is true. And i know that God loves you!
Keep being awesome people!!
Hermana Townsend
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