Feb. 20
How cool is it that we have the same organization that existed in the primitive church of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:20 says that Christ built his church upon the foundation or apostles and prophets and in his restored church today - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we have the privelege of listening and learning from those apostles and prophets that the Lord has called again to represent him and communicate His will to His people.
And one of them came to speak to us in GUATEMALA!!! It was literally the best day of my life! The entire mission got together, which never happens, and we were able to receive personal revelation for our lives. What was even cooler is that Elder Ronald A. Rasband changed his whole talk and what he was going to say to be able to answer our questions becuase he felt that we, as a mission, were prepared to be taught of the spirit. The main point that I got out:
When we KNOW Christ, we LOVE Him. When we LOVE Christ, we SERVE Him.
What an amazing promise. We need to learn of Christ to be able to know Him. We need to study his life and his teachings and learn how to become more like him so we can love and serve him with literally all we are - all our heart, might, mind and strength.
Also 3 Nephi 18:24 - Jesus is the light that we need to hold up so everyone can come unto Him through our examples and we always need to be worthy to hold up that light.
Okay I am so sorry, I finally bought a camera but i forgot the adapter! pictures next weeek, promise(:
Also little cool experience: My comp has been telling me that Ive been talkng in my sleep (LOL) and in spanish too (WOOHOO). but this morning she told me that I said something that really impacted me,. I said ''Yo se que es verdadero'' which means ''I know it is true''. I've been praying and fasting and studying to increase my faith. It's something that has really been on my mind lately. But that little phrase that I SAID, no one else, really helped me see that I already know all these things. The Lord has testifies of them to me so many times. I just need to learn to rely on those witnesses. D&C 6:22-23.
Don't deny the faith you do have. Rely on the Savior and His power to heal and to lift us in all of our trials. I know this is His true church and we are helping so many people come unto Him and learn of Him and understand their potential. I LOVE YOU ALL. BE HAPPPYY!!!!!
Hna. Townsend